Sydney Mines Town Hall Heritage Restoration and Building Addition

The former Old Post Office in Sydney Mines was built in 1904, as part of the federal government's public-works program, to unite remote areas of Canada with a distinctive and pervasive architectural presence. Typical of public buildings of its time, this Baronial/Gothic structure is characterized by its crenellated tower and fortress-like appearance. Its striking appearance is due to the alternating use of brick; smooth limestone; and rough, rusticated limestone, forming patterns in the masonry.

The Sydney Mines Post Office renovation is a prime example of the rehabilitation/revitalization of Baronial/Gothic, Federal-Style, Heritage Buildings. This building had been gutted by fire, and remained un-repaired and vacant for a number of years; and, during that time, it had fallen victim to repeated vandalization. Trifos Design Consultants devised a plan for the extensive interior and exterior revitalization of this local heritage property, smoothly transforming the building's interior from that which housed a post-office facility, to one that easily and effortlessly accommodates the Town's Administrative Officers and Personnel.

The work was divided into four main phases, as follows: coordination of cleanup of internal fire damage; design of architectural and structural refurbishment of the severely-damaged and fire-gutted interior; design and coordination of extensive, exterior-masonry restoration operations; and interior rehabilitation work. Trifos Design Consultants prides itself on its ability to design and coordinate the rehabilitation of heritage-style structures, enhancing their functionality, while maintaining the integrity and character of the edifice.